A young man walks through Central Park wearing a T-shirt. It says in bold black letters, “WARNING, I’m not listening.” A touch edgy? Yes. A sign of the times? Maybe. Either way, it may work for a young man, but it won’t for leaders — the power of listening cannot be underestimated.
As Stephen Covey points out in his oft-cited book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, “comparatively few people have had any training in listening at all.” Moreover, as people rise in the ranks, they tend to do more talking and less listening. Perhaps that’s why Habit 5 in Covey’s book is “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.” Read my full article, "The Power of Listening" (via Arden Coaching)
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Margaret EnloeI'm an executive coach who works with clients on leadership and transition challenges, including retiring with enthusiasm and ease. Blog Categories
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